Glas Tulaichean
I escaped the relatives for a few hours on Saturday and took a trip up to the Spittal of Glenshee to attempt Glas Tulaichean (1051m). As always I thought that I might be able to squeeze in another couple of Munros while I was out. I turned into Spittal of Glenshee just before ten, the only people that I saw were tourists standing pensively at a bus stop wondering if a bus were going to turn up and take them to a place where they had shops that opened. The Starting point for the walk was at The Dalmunzie Hotel. You could either park next to the hotel and pay the £2 tariff or at the end of the driveway for free although you would face the extra 2 miles on to your overall journey. I didn’t bring any money so I parked in the free section and tried to convince myself that the extra walking distance would allow me to warm up for the main hill walk I knew in the back of my mind I would begrudge this trudge back to the car on the way back. Once beyond the hotel I followed what I believed to b...