Glas Maol - The Big Green Lump

I took one final trip up to Glenshee for the year, the aim of which was to climb Glas Maol (1068m) and Creag Leacach (987m). I parked at the Glenshee Ski Centre and decided to follow the easier track up amongst the ski paraphernalia which didn’t give much in the way of great views but was a more direct climb to Glas Maol. At around 922m I ascended into the mist and rain which had enveloped the top of the Munro and made the last 150m slightly trickier than it should have been. I made it to the summit in an hour flat. Having checked my bearings I headed in what I thought was the ridge to Creag Leacach, although embarrassingly enough I had in fact wandered in a circle just under the summit of Glas Maol. Undeterred I descended a little to gather my bearings and with Creag Leacach in sight I cut around the side of Glas Maol and followed the old stone wall up, and down and then up again to the summit of this rockier Munro. Only as I ascended Creag Leacach did the sun decide to show itself, and so did the wind as I was almost knocked off the summit because of it. I decided not to stick around much longer on the hills and I rapidly descended to enjoy my lunch in the car.


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