Meall Chuaich

Height: 951m

OS Map: 42

Meall Chuaich is a straight forward walk that is just off the A9 to Inverness and can be easily done in a few hours. I parked at layby 94 just opposite the Chuaich farm. The access to the Munro is right next to the layby in the for of a farm track which you follow for a couple of miles until you reach the bothy. Unfortunately the bothy was locked up either because it's not used anymore or only used for people fishing in Loch Chuaich, I'm not sure. The start of the Munro is just after the Loch and it can be mucky in places although as you near the top it begins to get rockier. It's easy to spot the summit with its massive 'You can't miss me' type carin.


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