Day 2: Great Glen Way - Gairlochy to Kytra Lock

The plan for day 2 was to walk to a campsite outside of Invergarry. The campsite is quite a distance from the Great Glen Way, but Invergarry can be reached by hiking track just before Laggen. Another option was to walk to an informal campsite at Aberchalder, a distance of about 19 miles from Gairlochy.

View across Loch Lochy

From Gairlochy the track ascends up a minor road before detouring up a forest track. From there you cross back over the road and follow a track close to the shore line of Loch Lochy. There is another couple of miles of road walking, and a chance to see some lovely large houses, before Clunes. 

Track to Laggen

I decided to walk to Laggen first, once there I would see how I was physically. Laggen is about 12 miles away. I had taken my hiking boots this time instead of my sandles the boots were already hurting the balls of my feet. The forest track to Laggen is fairly flat but there isn't much to see, unless you like trees. There's not much at Laggan apart from a nice Café, toilets and shower facilities at the Laggan Lock. I pressed on to Aberchalder, which is about 6 miles from Laggen. After the Swing Bridge there is the Great Glen Water Park which also has a restaurant and is open between 12 and 2.30pm for lunch and then again the evening for dinner. After the water park the track widens and you walk along the old railway line, there are still some signs of this but mostly it's a good track for cyclists. If you need the toilet, then there is a trailblazer composting toilet along this section of the way.

On towards Aberchalder
The walk to Aberchalder is flat and the camping spot is next to the swing bridge, near a main road. There are no toilets or water, the river is further up,  a 5 minute walk. I decided to go to Kytra Lock as it was quieter, no main road, the river source was much closer and it was less than 2 miles away. The aspect of camping in the trees was more appealing than next to a swing bridge. The only aspect to bear in mind is there are no toilets. 
Camping in the trees at Kytra Lock

Kytra Lock is about 2 miles from Fort Augustus, which give you an overall hike of about 25 miles.


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