More Trig Point Hunting

My new Lockdown past time is getting out for a walk every day, even for half an hour or so. Nothing fancy about that you might think, but as I mentioned in a previous post I've taken up bagging trig points. In my local area there are quite a few points to walk to, now these are located at a school and a local church. I find it comforting to know that I'm walking to a specific point rather than an aimless wander. Unfortunately the local primary school trig point has been removed, but you can find the trig points near you by checking out this link: Trig Point. It's useful because it also tells you the condition and type of marker you should be looking for.

My recent jaunt took me up by Flemington, which turned out to be quite a nice walk. The walk was scenic, once we were across Hamilton Road on the A724. Instead of taking Flemington road which is slightly more dangerous to walk up. We went up the quieter Lightburn Road. Just as the housing estate starts, there is a path that runs between the back of the houses and a field. 

Walking Next to Fields

This leads to Gilbertfield Road, which is possible to walk on but care must be taken. There is, however, a path through the woods that runs parallel to this road and gives the feeling of being out in the countryside.

Forest Walk
This track doesn't last long and it eventually leads back to the road. The trig point was located near the Air Training Corps base. We got there after another 5 minutes or so, but there was no sign of a trig point. The website did mention that our had been destroyed, but I had held our hope to find something. The only evidence I could make out at the area is shown in the picture below. Yes it probably is some sort of gas marker. 
My Trig Point

There was also a brick structure next to it, at the right place, similar to the one at the primary school where the trig point used to be. Anyway, the walk and the weather made the journey worthwhile. As they say, sometimes it's about the journey. 


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