Fernbrae Meadows

The Easing of the Lockdown 

For the last 12 weeks we haven't been in our car other than to go to the shops or other essential runs. The kids hadn't been in the car at all, so it felt like a novelty as we took our first drive as a whole family since March. The drive only lasted 5 minutes so there was little time for complaints to be raised about who sat next to who. In fact the original plan was to take a walk at Cathkin Braes but this was changed at the last minute to Fernbrae, the only reason for this is that many of the family hadn't visited this place yet.

Location and History 

The Start

Fernbrae is situated in Fernhill, Rutherglen right next to the school by the same name. The Meadows is an expansive green space that is actually located at the foot of Cathkin Braes. In fact you can see the Cathkin wind turbine situated just above the Meadows. As you walk around and your thinking that the layout reminds you of a golf course then you wouldn't be far wrong. In fact up until the last couple of years this site used to be Blairbeth Golf Course. This closed in 2015 and it was decided to turn it into a communal area. 

The  Walk

Looking Across the Meadows

The walk was a pleasant one, the gently rolling terrain is easily navigated using the plethora of paths. We only spent an hour here but this gave us enough time to walk around the park space in one big loop. There are plenty of space here to stay safe and keep to the correct social distance. We walked around in an anticlockwise direction taking in the stone decorations before walking around under the base of the Cathkin Braes. At the bottom of the Meadows is a mountain bike track and other rough paths that lead off to Cathkin Braes. We stuck to the main path but it looks like it would be quite easy to explore the area further by using the rough tracks that intersect the main paths. 
Into the Woods

This is a pleasant place to spend a little time, the area can be quite exposed so can feel quite windy at times, so it is best to take this into account. It would be worth while coming back here for further exploration of the area. A link for further information on this area is shown below. 



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